(765) 867-8226 [email protected]

Our Services


Our installations are calculated and carefully measured to ensure a beautiful installation.

We take all the specifications of your space into account when deciding how much flooring you will need and how the installation should proceed. After all, there is nothing more frustrating than spending countless hours deciding on the details of a space, only to end up with an imperfect installation or rough finishing. Installation through Flooring To Go ensures you an expert installation, done right.

We seek perfection in even the smallest details, leaving you with flooring that looks professional and expertly executed.


Fully Curated Shop At Home Experience 

Let us show you a better way to buy flooring. We eliminate the overwhelming feeling we know takes place when you enter a flooring showroom with hundreds of sample options. After filling out our appointment form and having a quick conversation we are confident that we can bring the flooring options you WANT and NEED to your appointment to be viewed in your space, with your colors, and your lighting. Perhaps you know that you need new flooring, but not the details of what and how much. We will come to your home, show you samples selected especially for you, measure the space, and provide an estimated cost all in the same appointment.

Taking accurate measurements and understanding what you need from your flooring is important and requires a professional eye. A visit from one of our experts will ensure that all considerations are taken into account, so that you can feel confident in your flooring and installation.